Want to work with some of the cutest kids in town? Want to be home in time to cook dinner? Want to have a positive impact? Sign up to sub!
Please visit WWW.SCHOOLCAFE.COM/SPRINGDALEPS to apply online!
See flyers for details about Family Literacy Classes.
Mrs. Chacon took advantage of today's weather and had lunch with some of her kids that made their MAP goals.
Bayyari Book Fair is next week!
The Book Fair is coming soon!
Wild Dog First Race is Wednesday!
Mark Your Calendars Now for this year's Chuck E. Cheese Nights!
Coming soon to the Bayyari Library!
Please visit WWW.SCHOOLCAFE.COM/SPRINGDALEPS to apply online!
Tonight is the NIGHT! We are excited to see you at the Back to School Rally at Arvest Ballpark. Remember there is a clear bag policy. Doors at 5:00pm, Pre-Game starts at 6:00pm and baseball at 7:05!
Here is all the information you need! https://www.sdale.org/page/rally
It's time to complete your free and reduced meal application!
Interpreters Needed!
Welcome to Bayyari!
Mobile Food Pantry is next Thursday, September 15th @ 3:15pm
Grandparents, we look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Parents, we'll have an event for you later in the year!
¡Abuelos, los esperamos mañana!
¡Padres, tendremos un evento para ustedes más adelante en el año!
Wild-Dog Races are coming up soon! Get your sign up forms in PE class. Races will take place at Har-Ber High School and Sonora Middle School.
Submit Free and Reduced Meal Applications Today!
The new school year comes with changes to how students purchase or receive school meals.
To receive free and reduced meals this year, families must complete an application and qualify. School districts are no longer receiving funding from the federal government that provided free meals to all students.
GIFT CARD & GRILL GIVEAWAY | Complete a Free and Reduced Meal Form to be eligible to WIN! More information on the flyer below. Visit WWW.SCHOOLCAFE.COM/SPRINGDALEPS to apply!
Springdale School District Drive-Through Food Giveaway
Distrito Escolar de Springdale Evento de Comida Gratis
Click here to sign up: https://bit.ly/3AJDeDZ