Information from Nurse Alicia. This is an opportunity to get a free thermometer for your home. Información de la enfermera Alicia. Esta es una oportunidad para obtener un termómetro gratis para su hogar.
It is so much more than a meal! Apply today at
Springdale Parents and Patrons,
Please see this message from Dr. Jared Cleveland, Superintendent about Remote Teacher and Learning Days on October 16 and 19
In recognition of Marshallese Culture week, Mrs. Carlton asked students to bring in something that was important to them from their culture. Here are a couple examples of items students shared.
We love learning about our Bayyari families!
Congratulations to Mrs. Neely! A song she wrote for Bayyari was published in Plank Road Publishing. We are so lucky to have an amazingly talented music teacher! 🎶🎵
Have you filled yours out yet? It is time to POWER UP!
Parents please read this important flyer below to learn about free and reduced lunch. Please apply by October 5th.
Padres, por favor lean este anuncio importante sobre almuerzos gratis y reducidos. Favor de aplicar para el 5 de Octubre.
Favor de llenar el formulario de almuerzos gratis y reducidos! Son más que solo almuerzos, también ayudan en apoyar a los programas de nuestro sistema escolar.
Please fill out Free and Reduced Lunch forms! It is more than meals, it also helps important programs in the our school system
Meet our new 5th Grade Teacher!
When you qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch you also get FREE resources and opportunities!
Meet Bayyari's new Art Teacher!
Flu Shots for Virtual Students
It's that time of year again for parent-teacher conferences! We are looking for translators for Spanish and Marshallese. If you would like to help, please call our office at 479-750-8760. Must be 18 years old. Conferences will be done by phone and zoom meeting, so you can translate from the comfort of your own home. Our conferences are Monday and Tuesday, September 21-22 from 3:30 pm - 7:15 pm. Call us today if you are interested in helping!
Padres, por favor lean el anuncio importante sobre almuerzos gratis y reducidos. ¡Es más que un almuerzo!
Parents, please read the important announcement about free and reduced lunch. More than just a meal!
Meet our new SPED Clerk!
Here are some information sheets regarding isolation vs. quarantine.
Quarantine -
Isolation -
Please see this important message about Blended Learning:
If you haven't done so already....PLEASE fill out the Free/Reduced Lunch Application at