Our Flu Shot Clinic will be November 9th. Forms should be in backpacks.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
flu shot
Save the Dates!
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
no school
The first Mini Wild-Dog cross country race was held on Wednesday at Har-Ber High School. Dozens of Bayyari students attended and did their best work running in the one mile and half mile races! Several won medals for being in the top ten out of 50+ runners in each division. We are very proud of everyone who participated! Families, you can add a photo in the comments of your student if we missed their picture. If your student did not sign up and wants to participate in the second race on October 13th, they can ask for a form during PE class.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
wild dog race
wild dog race
wild dog race
We desperately need your help! Even though all students are being allowed to eat for free again this year, we still need families to complete the free and reduced meal form. Here’s why: Our district must have at least 70% of our students qualify for free and reduced meals by October 1, 2021, or we will lose up to $8 million dollars in funding next year. This $8 million dollars are the funds used to provide nurses, social workers, and school resource officers for each school. Right now, we are only at 66%. Will you please help us by completing the application today?
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Free and Reduced
Choose your days + Choose your hours + Choose your school= AWESOME! Join us today
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Getting to support our kids AND our teachers...what could be better?? Sign up today and join our Springdale Family! #THEChoice
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
subs needed
School meal applications need to be turned in by Thursday, September 30. Please click HERE https://www.schoolcafe.com/SPRINGDALEPS to apply electronically (click apply for benefits as guest) or print an application in English - https://bit.ly/3nQAbVD, Spanish - https://bit.ly/3EA25uW, or Marshallese - https://bit.ly/3tTWN8S. Meal applications benefit students, families, and the Springdale School District. Las solicitudes para comidas escolares deben entregarse antes del jueves 30 de septiembre. Haga clic AQUÍ https://www.schoolcafe.com/SPRINGDALEPS para solicitarlas electrónicamente (haga clic en solicitar beneficios como invitado) o imprima una solicitud en inglés - https: // bit.ly/3nQAbVD, español - https://bit.ly/3EA25uW, o Marshallese - https://bit.ly/3tTWN8S. Las solicitudes de comidas benefician a los estudiantes, las familias y el Distrito Escolar de Springdale.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
Welcome to Anita Grover, our new SFLP teacher.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
anita grover
Bus Drivers and Substitutes NEEDED! Please apply today and become a part of the Springdale Schools Family https://www.smore.com/jrf50
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Please see this important information!
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Avoiding Quarantine- English
Evitar Cuarentena
Elańe kojjanin kar kōmmane, jouij im kanne (AUA) eo ńan jikuul iiō in, 2021-22. Elańe ko-kōnaan kojerbale “Device Protection Plan” (SDPP) ńan an maroń diklok oneen “technology repair” ko. Raan eo áliktata ej Oktoba 1, oneed eo ej $20. Jouij im likūt jāān eo ilo juōn ānbōlob im je etam ri-jikuul eo im SDPP ilikin. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdeugaUfOZDt0NxUbd50cRwhGkIPLPccUP0NZqhFBNt9_VnRA/viewform
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
Si aún no lo ha hecho, complete nuestra Política de uso aceptable (AUA) para el año escolar 2021-22. Si desea comprar el Plan de Protección para el dispositivo electrónico de su hijo (SDPP) para costos reducidos de reparación de tecnología, la fecha límite para comprarlo es el 1 de octubre y el costo es de $20. Coloque el pago en un sobre y escriba el nombre del estudiante y SDPP en el sobre. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdeugaUfOZDt0NxUbd50cRwhGkIPLPccUP0NZqhFBNt9_VnRA/viewform
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
If you have not already done so, please fill out our Acceptable Use Policy (AUA) for the 2021-22 school year. If you wish to purchase the Springdale Device Protection Plan (SDPP) for reduced technology repair costs, the deadline to purchase this is October 1st, and the cost is $20. Please place payment in an envelope and write student name and SDPP on the envelope. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdeugaUfOZDt0NxUbd50cRwhGkIPLPccUP0NZqhFBNt9_VnRA/viewform
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
Getting to support our kids AND our teachers...what could be better?? Sign up today and join our Springdale Family! #THEChoice
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Getting to support our kids AND our teachers...what could be better?? Sign up today and join our Springdale Family! #THEChoice
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Weekend reading ready? Do you have your books?
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
Up to $93.48 A DAY! WOW!! Come join our team #THEChoice
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Did you know it’s Hispanic Heritage Month? Today we had teachers and students show their pride for Mexico’s Independence Day, el 16 de septiembre. Share your family’s pictures or celebrations for this month in the comments.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
sept 16th
Please sign up to feed our teachers during Parent/Teacher Conference Week! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c084ea8a928a3fd0-bayyari
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
teachers eating
NWA Food Bank Days
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
food bank
food bank
food bank