Our State of the School Zoom Meeting TONIGHT, Tuesday, Sept. 14th from 5:30-6:30. Nuestra reunion de zoom sobre el estado de la escuela ESTA NOCHE, Martes, Sept. 14 de 5:30- 6:30 https://sdale.zoom.us/j/89359447448
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
From Nurse Alicia: Parents, if your child tests positive for COVID 19 or is exposed to someone who is positive, please fill out the form at go.sdale.org/covid and call your child's school to notify the office or school nurse. A member of the COVID team should call you within a few days to notify you of your student's return date. If you do not hear from them, please call your school nurse at 479-750-8760. We want to be sure your child has work from your teacher and also we want them back at school as soon as possible.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
Interpreters Needed for Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences Sept 27th-30th, 3:30-7:00pm
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
interpreters needed
 interpreters needed
interpreters needed
Parents, if your child tests positive for COVID 19 or is exposed to someone who is positive, please fill out the form at go.sdale.org/covid and call your child's school to notify the office or school nurse. A member of the COVID team should call you within a few days to notify you of your student's return date. If you do not hear from them, please call your school nurse at 479-750-8760. We want to be sure your child has work from your teacher and also we want them back at school as soon as possible.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
Our State of the School Zoom Meeting will be tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 14th from 5:30-6:30. Nuestra reunion de zoom sobre el estado de la escuela será mañana, Martes, Sept. 14 de 5:30- 6:30 https://sdale.zoom.us/j/89359447448
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
El autobús 176 no funcionará mañana, viernes 10 de septiembre. Por favor, haga otros arreglos para llevar y traer a sus estudiantes a la escuela. Abrimos nuestras puertas a las 7:20 y salimos a las 3:00.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
Bus 176 will not run tomorrow, Friday September 10th.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
Please save the dates below to help our school reach 100% attendance! ¡Guarde las fechas a continuación para ayudar a nuestra escuela a alcanzar el 100% de asistencia! Jouj im kememej wot raan kane itulal nan am jivan jikuul e am bwe kemin tobar 100% bed ilo jikin jikuul!
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
Virtual Students - Vision and hearing screenings are available by appointment with Nurse Alicia until Nov 1, 2021. Please call Alicia at 750-8760 to schedule an appointment.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
vision hearing screening
Parents please see the following important flyer with information on the benefits of filling out and turning in your child's meal form. Breakfast and lunch are free. Filling out and turning in the meal form will help provide additional benefits for families and the school district. For more information please contact our Child Nutrition Center at 479-750-8707. The form can be filled out online at https://www.schoolcafe.com/
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
lunch form
Reminder: Fall Picture Day is Tuesday, September 7th.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
picture day
Lunch Menu Changes for Next Week.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
lunch changes
Bayyari students starting the day with STEM in the cafeteria and morning greetings with their teachers.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
morning stem
morning stem
teacher greeting
teacher greeting
Parents, please see this flyer for helpful infant safety and car seat safety tips.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
car seat
Make sure to mark your calendars!
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
Mark Your Calendars! Fall picture day is scheduled for Tuesday, September 7th.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
picture day
picture day
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
Issue 1
We had a fabulous first day of school! Thank you to everyone for getting your kiddos to school on time and helping us have a great start. Reminders: School starts at 7:45 am. If you get to school after this time, you must walk your child to the office and check them in. If you have not picked up your car rider tag you may do so before 2:00 pm in the front office. Please make sure your child’s teacher knows how your child goes home. Safety is our number one priority. Please drive slowly in our parking lot and only allow students to exit the car in the car rider line, not in the street. We can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow! ¡Tuvimos un primer día fabuloso de clases! Gracias a todos por traer a sus hijos a tiempo y ayudarnos a tener un gran comienzo. Recordatorios: La escuela comienza a las 7:45 am. Si llega a la escuela después de esta hora, debe acompañar a su hijo a la oficina y registrarlo. Si aún no ha recogido su etiqueta de pasajero en automóvil, puede hacerlo antes de las 2:00 pm en la oficina principal. Por favor asegúrese de que el maestro de su hijo sepa cómo regresara su hijo a casa. La seguridad es nuestra prioridad número uno. Por favor, conduzca despacio en nuestro estacionamiento y solo permita que los estudiantes salgan del coche en la línea de pasajeros, no los deje en la calle. ¡Estamos ansiosos por ver a todos mañana!
over 3 years ago, Sylvia Hernandez
Here is this year's lunch menu.
over 3 years ago, Bayyari Elementary
lunch menu
lunch menu