Click on the link below for the Walker Elementary News for January 29-31 & February 1-3, 2023.
Attention all Current Walker 5th Grade Parents & Care Givers:
Helen Tyson Middle School will be hosting a rising (future) 6th grade parent night. We will be providing information about 'Who' we are as a school and a community and the great things HTMS has to offer. Parents will get to hear from Administration, teachers, and other staff. This event will be an informative presentation. Do not worry if you are unable to attend, as our 'open house' event will still be held later in May.
WHO IS INVITED? All future 6th grade (current 5th grade) parents and students
WHAT? This will be an information meeting to discuss the way we do Middle School.
WHEN? Tuesday February 7, 2023 - from 6:00-7:00p.m
WHERE? Helen Tyson Middle School cafeteria - 3304 South 40th St. Springdale, Ar.
Periodically, we will be honoring a staff member from Walker Elementary. Today we are honoring Coach Dale Duerr. Mr. Duerr is one of our school physical education (P.E.) teachers. We appreciate you, Coach Duerr.
"I Scream You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream"
Has your Wildcat ever had Snow Ice Cream?
Here is a great recipe you can try! We would love to see your ice cream pictures in the comments below! We hope you are all enjoying the snow!
Periodically, we will be honoring a staff member from Walker Elementary. Today we are honoring Lynn Ryan. Mrs. Ryan is our school principal. We appreciate you, Mrs. Ryan.
If your Wildcat built a snowman, please share pictures in the comments below? We hope everyone is enjoying the snow!
Periodically, we will be honoring a staff member from Walker Elementary. Today we are honoring Cole Sewell . Mr. Sewell is our school technology specialist. We appreciate you, Mr. Sewell.
Los estudiantes trabajarán desde casa mañana, miércoles 25 de enero de 2023, para un día AMI (enseñanza y aprendizaje remoto). Todos los edificios escolares estarán cerrados. Los estudiantes trajeron dispositivos a casa para poder trabajar desde casa mañana.
Aquí hay un enlace a la Guía Walker para AMI para mañana.
Si su hijo necesita ayuda para iniciar sesión en su plataforma de aprendizaje, envíe un correo electrónico al maestro de su hijo o
Students will be working from home tomorrow, Wednesday, January 25, 2023, for an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All school buildings will be closed. Students brought home devices so that they can work from home tomorrow.
Here is a link to the Walker Guide to AMI for tomorrow.
If your child needs help logging into their learning platform, please send an email to your child's teacher or
Due to inclement weather on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All school buildings will be closed. Students are bringing home devices so that they can work from home tomorrow. If your child needs help logging into their learning platform, please send an email to your child's teacher or
Due to inclement weather on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All school buildings will be closed.
Attention Roar Parents:
Due to incoming weather, Roar will not be in session on Tuesday, January 24th.
Atención padres de Roar:
Debido al mal tiempo, Roar no estará en sesión el martes 24 de enero.
To sign up for Walker text alerts, click on the link below.
¿Sabía que todos los padres, abuelos y tutores de Walker pueden registrarse para recibir alertas de texto de Walker?
Nuestro sistema incluye automáticamente un número en la cuenta de cada estudiante. Para agregar números adicionales, simplemente complete el formulario en el enlace a continuación. Usamos esta lista para enviar información escolar importante a través de nuestro boletín semanal Walker, así como recordatorios rápidos de texto sobre eventos y Días AMI. Nos gustaría conectar a todos los padres, abuelos y tutores de nuestros Wildcats. Por favor regístrese haciendo clic en el enlace de abajo.
Did you know that all Walker parents, grandparents, and guardians can all sign up for Walker Text Alerts?
Our system automatically includes one number on each student's account. To add additional numbers simply fill out the form in the link below. We use this list to send out important school information through our weekly Walker newsletter as well as quick text reminders about events and AMI Days. We would like to get all parents, grandparents, and guardians of our Wildcats connected. Please sign up by clicking on the link below.
Periodically, we will be honoring a staff member from Walker Elementary. Today we are honoring Vickie Jones. Mrs. Jones is the registrar for our school. We appreciate you, Mrs. Jones.
Click on the link below to read the Walker Elementary School Newsletter for the week ahead. Next week is Kindness Week.
Periodically, we will be honoring a staff member from Walker Elementary. Today we are honoring Jeana Smith. Mrs. Smith is a second grade teacher. We appreciate you, Mrs. Smith.
Hello, This is Jean Hammack, the family literacy teacher at Walker
Elementary. I am inviting you to a party on Thursday, January 19.
Together, we will celebrate the New Year and have breakfast snacks and beverages. You will have a chance to meet other Walker Elementary parents who are learning English and find out more about our program where you can learn English with others and spend time with your child in his /her classroom. I hope you can come! Thursday, January 19th at 9am.
Just check at the office, I hope to meet you soon soon!
Hola, soy Jean Hammack, la maestra de alfabetización familiar en Walker Elemental. Te invito a una fiesta el jueves 19 de enero. Juntos, celebraremos el Año Nuevo y desayunaremos refrigerios y bebidas. Tendrá la oportunidad de conocer a otros padres de Walker Elementary que están aprendiendo inglés y conocer más sobre nuestro programa donde puede aprender inglés con otros y pasar tiempo con su hijo en su salón de clases. ¡Espero que puedas venir! Jueves 19 de enero a las 9am. Solo consulte en la oficina, ¡espero conocerlo pronto!
Periodically, we will be honoring a staff member from Walker Elementary. Today we are honoring Gaby Diaz . Mrs. Diaz is our school secretary. We appreciate you, Mrs. Diaz.