Walker Elementary celebrates its fifth-graders in a special event in their honor! We cant wait to see what comes next for these students! https://www.smore.com/ke1br-walker-celebrates-fifth-graders
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
Free summer meals for all ages 18 and younger!
over 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Summer meal program in English
Summer meal program in Spanish
Walker Families: Tomorrow (May 25th) is the last day to add any ticket orders for singing at the Naturals Baseball game on Wednesday, June 1st. All students are invited to attend even if they could not go on the earlier date. The baseball game is at 7:00 pm. Students will be meeting at 6:25pm before the game to prepare to sing. Tickets are $9.00 each. Please send money with your child in an envelope labeled with your child's name and Number of Natural's Game Tickets. Tickets will be sent home with students on Thursday or Friday.
over 2 years ago, Walker Elementary
Sign up for Kiwanis Kids Day Football!
over 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Kiwanis Kids Day Football
Attention Walker Third-Grade Parents, Our field trip that was originally planned for tomorrow (May 24th) has been rescheduled due to the thunderstorms that are in the forecast. This trip to the War Eagle Caverns has been rescheduled for Friday, May 27th. Our talent show will now start at 8:00 on Friday morning to allow our third-grade students to perform before leaving for the field trip at 8:30.
over 2 years ago, Walker Elementary
Please click on the link below to read the latest Walker News to get you ready for the next two weeks as we complete the 2021-22 school year. We will be celebrating our PreK, kindergarten, and fifth grade students next week. We can't wait to celebrate our hard working Wildcats as we wrap up the school year. https://www.smore.com/8e1jz
over 2 years ago, Walker Elementary
Walker Elementary Parents: Bus #177 will not run tomorrow (Friday, May 20, 2022). Please make plans to drop off and pick up your child tomorrow if they normally ride bus #177. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Walker Elementary
Hello Walker Families, Please check out our Walker school news for the week ahead! https://www.smore.com/mebf6
over 2 years ago, Walker Elementary
Hello Walker Families, May is always a special time of the year filled with special days and special celebrations! Please check out the newsletter linked below so that you don't miss out in the fun things happening this week. https://www.smore.com/x1aus
over 2 years ago, Walker Elementary
Attention 5th Grade Parents, Please click on the middle school newsletter linked below for important information to help your child transition to Helen Tyson Middle School. https://www.smore.com/xcse9
over 2 years ago, Walker Elementary
Hello Walker Families, Please check out the link below to read our Walker School Newsletter for next week, May 2=6th. https://www.smore.com/gw1ps
over 2 years ago, Walker Elementary
In one more week, Walker Elementary will be participating in the 11th annual  National Bike & Roll to School Day on Wednesday, May 4, 2022. Please mark your calendars and help us celebrate this day by getting out with your child bike or scooter to school. https://www.walkbiketoschool.org/
over 2 years ago, Walker Elementary
Hello Walker Families, Here is the Walker News for April 25-29, 2022. https://www.smore.com/pu25t
over 2 years ago, Walker Elementary
Walker 4th and 5th Grade Parents, Our 4th and 5th grade choir will be performing in the Walker cafeteria at 2:20 pm tomorrow. All parents who have a child in the choir are welcome to attend. Please bring your ID to the office to get a visitors badge before going to the cafeteria. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Walker Elementary
Mrs. Brittainy Silvey was named as the 2021-22 PTA Volunteer of the Year during a ceremony at the Don Tyson School of Innovation on Thursday, April 14th. Mrs. Silvey has served on the PTA board for six years in various roles including president. During these years, Mrs. Silvey has dedicated many hours to serve the needs of our Wildcats. We appreciate the work of Mrs. Silvey and enjoyed being about to celebrate her work as our volunteer. of the year!
almost 3 years ago, Walker Elementary
The Springdale School District is having a Drive-Through Food Giveaway for all Springdale School District Families on Thursday, April 21 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00p.m. at the Treehouse Pantry located at 802 West Allen Avenue. To sign up, click this link. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0b4ea4a923abf94-thursday1
almost 3 years ago, Walker Elementary
Drive Through
Our Wildcats had a great week. We had a perfect end to the week with our fun Color Run! Here is the Walker Parent Newsletter for the week ahead. https://www.smore.com/trd8a
almost 3 years ago, Walker Elementary
Today is our annual Walker PTA color run . Our Wildcats will be running on the track to raise funds for PTA projects. We appreciate all that you are doing to help support our 2022 Color Run. We would love for all of our parents to come and watch the Color Run. Each grade/class has a time to run. Please make plans to join us and watch your child run. The times for each class/grade are listed below. We would love for our families to join us in dressing in Neon/80s. 8:30- 4th Grade 9:00- 3rd Grade 9:30- 5th Grade 10:00- 1st Grade Schwieso/Slane 10:30- 1st Grade Banks/Isabell 12:00- 2nd Grade McCrackin/Chavez 12:30- 2nd Grade Smith/Loyd 1:00- Kindergarten Graham/Wright 1:30- Kindergarten Struebing/Cloud/Bounkhong
almost 3 years ago, Walker Elementary
Walker Wildcats! Tomorrow is the big day! Color Run 2022! Make sure to wear shorts and tennis shoes that can get some colored powder on them, and you can wear 80’s themed apparel as well for a totally tubular good time! You can bring $1 to get your hair painted before school and we have some extra head sweatbands for $5 that we will sell until they are gone! If you forgot your fundraising packet today, you can bring them tomorrow! Come ready to have a great time!!
almost 3 years ago, Walker Elementary
Don’t forget Color Run packets are due back tomorrow! Color run is tomorrow (Friday, April 15th) We are still in need of volunteers. We need all the volunteers we can get to make this a success! Check out the sign-up genius link below to help out! Whether it's for one race, or for several, we would love to have you there to help us! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A054BACAB28ABFE3-color1 For more information about the Color Run including run times for each class, please click on the link below. We look forward to seeing our families join us tomorrow to watch our Wildcats run. If you plan to attend please park in the back parking lot by the track. https://www.smore.com/fm6jv
almost 3 years ago, Walker Elementary
Color Run